All Points Wellness (APW) is an Integrative Holistic healthcare practice that offers patients a personalized healthcare solution that combines scientific knowledge and ancient traditional wisdom.
Here at All Points Wellness, we treat people, not diseases.
Dr. Craig Cammann, DAc. was raised in a household that appreciated alternatives to western medicine. He went to an MD for most of his standard medical care, his mother was (and still is) a cranial-sacral therapist & polarity therapist who was very interested in homeopathics and anthroposophical medical theories. His father worked as an organizational psychologist for large corporations, but was a crystal practitioner as a hobby when his schedule allowed.
Craig started his own career in health care at Colorado College in 1997 when he became an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and a certified Reiki practitioner. He gained pocket money in college by offering Reiki and massage to fellow students around campus and worked as an EMT for various ambulance services. He continued to work as an EMT in Colorado, California, Connecticut and eventually Michigan. He also used his EMT certification to work as a horse-packing tour guide in the Canadian Rockies, and as a medical-officer/cook on a cruise ship in Alaska.
In December of 2001 Craig’s paternal grandfather died and was survived by his wife (Craig’s paternal grandmother) who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Craig moved to Connecticut to help care for his grandmother. He stayed until 2004 (the year that she passed away).
As fortune would have it, one of Craig’s college roommates was just beginning a grand adventure. He was going to ride a motorcycle from Argentina back to the United States. It was just the sort of transition that Craig needed. He left Connecticut to travel Latin America on a motorcycle.
This adventure turned into a professional foray into the world of open-source computer systems migrations company in Caracas Venezuela when Craig and four partners started a computer system migrations & training company in 2005. After a whirlwind of ups and downs, in 2011 Craig’s life came to another cross-road with the death of his father. Craig used this time of reflection to examine his own life and decided to change careers,. He weighed his options and enrolled in Chinese Medical School to become an Acupuncturist, and he hasn’t looked back since.
He received his massage license in the fall of 2016. Followed by first a Masters and then a doctorate in Acupuncture.
Craig Celebrated his marriage to Isabelle Tibi in September of 2018. And graduated from Pacific College of Oriental medicine that December.
After graduating and passing his National Board Exams, Craig opened All Points Wellness to the public in Brooklyn.
After the birth of their daughter Celia they decided to relocate the practice to Waterbury, VT. It took a while, but they finally made the move in March of this year.